Squint and Paediatric Ophthalmology Services

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Squint and Paediatric Ophthalmology Services

Although any eye disease that affects an adult can affect a child’s eye also; the most common eye diseases seen in children are Squinting of eyes, Refractive error, Lazy eye disease, Watering of the eye, Developmental or Congenital Cataract, Eye allergies, Eye injuries, Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) and uncommonly Tumors.

We have a dedicated pediatric ophthalmologist to cater to your child’s ophthalmic needs.

A squint is a common name for 'strabismus' which is the medical term used to describe eyes that are not pointing in the same direction. Squint is relatively common in children and 2-3% of the population suffers from the squint.

Category : Squint and Paediatric Ophthalmology Services

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